State & Action
2 Players
Game Description
Players take turns firing shots at enemy ships to destroy them.
Complete Rules
Initially, both players will place ships on their 10 by 10 board, and their locations are not known to the opponent. Ships can be placed horizontally or vertically. There are 5 ships total, and their sizes are 2, 3, 3, 4, 5 squares long. After both players placed their ships, the players take turn specifying a coordinate to fire a shot at, starting with player 1. Whether or not the shot hit the enemy ship will be stored in the <did_hit> field in the list of <shots_at_player>. If the shot sunk a ship, the size of the ship will be shown in <player_sunken_ship_sizes> field. The game ends when all the ships of a player was sunk, but because player 1 starts first, player 2 gets to take a final shot if all of player 2's ship were sunk. If that final shot sunk all of player 1's ships, the game is a draw.

Contact: benlee830912@gmail.com
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State & Action
2 Players
Game Description
Players take turns firing shots at enemy ships to destroy them.
Complete Rules
Initially, both players will place ships on their 10 by 10 board, and their locations are not known to the opponent. Ships can be placed horizontally or vertically. There are 5 ships total, and their sizes are 2, 3, 3, 4, 5 squares long. After both players placed their ships, the players take turn specifying a coordinate to fire a shot at, starting with player 1. Whether or not the shot hit the enemy ship will be stored in the <did_hit> field in the list of <shots_at_player>. If the shot sunk a ship, the size of the ship will be shown in <player_sunken_ship_sizes> field. The game ends when all the ships of a player was sunk, but because player 1 starts first, player 2 gets to take a final shot if all of player 2's ship were sunk. If that final shot sunk all of player 1's ships, the game is a draw.
Contact: benlee830912@gmail.com
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