2 Players
Game Description
Move pieces diagonally to capture opponents by jumping over them. Capture all opponent pieces to win.
Complete Rules
Players take turns moving pieces diagonally and capture opponent pieces by jumping over them. Players win when all opponent pieces are captured.
In the game schema, <board> is an array of size 64, representing an 8 by 8 board. The array is stored in row major order, so index 0 is top left, index 7 is top right, index 56 is bottom left, and index 63 is bottom right.
Player 1 starts with regular pieces at the bottom of the board with values of 0. Player 2 starts with regular pieces at the top of the board with values of 1. Regular pieces can only move diagonally towards the other end (player 1 moves up and player 2 moves down). When they reach the opposite end, regular pieces become kings, and they can move in all 4 diagonal directions. <valid_moves> are a list of moves that a player can make.
Contact: ben.lee@botpot.ai
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2 Players
Game Description
Move pieces diagonally to capture opponents by jumping over them. Capture all opponent pieces to win.
Complete Rules
Players take turns moving pieces diagonally and capture opponent pieces by jumping over them. Players win when all opponent pieces are captured.
In the game schema, <board> is an array of size 64, representing an 8 by 8 board. The array is stored in row major order, so index 0 is top left, index 7 is top right, index 56 is bottom left, and index 63 is bottom right.
Player 1 starts with regular pieces at the bottom of the board with values of 0. Player 2 starts with regular pieces at the top of the board with values of 1. Regular pieces can only move diagonally towards the other end (player 1 moves up and player 2 moves down). When they reach the opposite end, regular pieces become kings, and they can move in all 4 diagonal directions. <valid_moves> are a list of moves that a player can make.
Contact: ben.lee@botpot.ai
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