Snake & Tetris
Single Player
Game Description
A game where you play both snake and tetris simultaneously. The same arrow key controls will affect both the snake and the tetromino.
Complete Rules
In the snake game, the snake moves forward in one direction until the user changes its direction. The snake starts off being size 2 on a 11-wide 20-tall grid. Every time the snake eats the food, it becomes longer by one. Once the snake hits the wall or itself, the snake dies.
The tetris board is 10-wide and 20-tall. At any given time, there is one tetrimino (a shape that is made up of 4 blocks) that is falling downward. Once it hits the bottom or another tetrimino, it stops moving and becomes part of the board. As the tetriminos stack up, if a single row is completely filled in all 10 spots, then that row is cleared, and everything on top of that row falls down. The tetris game ends when the tetromino is filled to the top.
In this game, the user plays both the snake and tetris game simultaneously with the same controls. The total score is calculated by the total number of food + total number of tetrominos dropped, and the game ends when either the snake dies or the tetris board is filled.
The user can choose to <do_nothing> or <move> the snake and tetris with the arrow keys "left", "right", "up", and "down". A snake will change direction only if the move is perpendicular to its current direction; otherwise, the snake continues to move forward. For the tetris, "left" and "right" moves the tetromino left or right by one, "up" spins the tetromino clockwise by 90 degrees, and "down" soft drops the tetrimino by one.
After each move, the state will update automatically. Therefore, if the executed move is "down", the tetromino will drop by two (once from the soft drop, and once automatically).
In the game schema, tetris board consists of a list of already-dropped-pieces, and the first of the next_tetrominos is the one that is currently falling. Since a tetromino is made up of 4 blocks, the 4 positions of the falling tetromino is represented by <position.x + offset_x, position.y + offset_y> for each of the 4 positions in the <positions> list.
Contact: ben.lee@botpot.ai
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Snake & Tetris
Single Player
Game Description
A game where you play both snake and tetris simultaneously. The same arrow key controls will affect both the snake and the tetromino.
Complete Rules
In the snake game, the snake moves forward in one direction until the user changes its direction. The snake starts off being size 2 on a 11-wide 20-tall grid. Every time the snake eats the food, it becomes longer by one. Once the snake hits the wall or itself, the snake dies.
The tetris board is 10-wide and 20-tall. At any given time, there is one tetrimino (a shape that is made up of 4 blocks) that is falling downward. Once it hits the bottom or another tetrimino, it stops moving and becomes part of the board. As the tetriminos stack up, if a single row is completely filled in all 10 spots, then that row is cleared, and everything on top of that row falls down. The tetris game ends when the tetromino is filled to the top.
In this game, the user plays both the snake and tetris game simultaneously with the same controls. The total score is calculated by the total number of food + total number of tetrominos dropped, and the game ends when either the snake dies or the tetris board is filled.
The user can choose to <do_nothing> or <move> the snake and tetris with the arrow keys "left", "right", "up", and "down". A snake will change direction only if the move is perpendicular to its current direction; otherwise, the snake continues to move forward. For the tetris, "left" and "right" moves the tetromino left or right by one, "up" spins the tetromino clockwise by 90 degrees, and "down" soft drops the tetrimino by one.
After each move, the state will update automatically. Therefore, if the executed move is "down", the tetromino will drop by two (once from the soft drop, and once automatically).
In the game schema, tetris board consists of a list of already-dropped-pieces, and the first of the next_tetrominos is the one that is currently falling. Since a tetromino is made up of 4 blocks, the 4 positions of the falling tetromino is represented by <position.x + offset_x, position.y + offset_y> for each of the 4 positions in the <positions> list.
Contact: ben.lee@botpot.ai
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