Virus War
2 Players
Game Description
Expand virus throughout the board and convert your opponent into zombies. Player who can no longer make a move loses.
Complete Rules
Player 1 controls blue viruses and player 2 controls red viruses. There are 2 types of viruses, alive or zombie, which are denoted as circles and crosses. Each player starts off with one live virus. Opponent's live viruses can be converted into your own zombie virus (e.g. red player can convert a blue live virus into a red zombie virus, and vice versa). To begin the game, the starting player makes one initial move. The players then alternate making three consecutive moves. Players can only make a move on a connected spot directly adjacent (in all 8 directions) to either a live virus of your own color, or to a zombie virus chain that is connected to a live virus of your own color. For example, if a red zombie (3, 3) is surrounded by blue viruses in all adjacent spots except for (4, 4), the red player cannot place a move on (4, 4) because the red zombie is not connected to a live virus. However, if red zombie (3, 3) is connected to red live virus (1, 1) via a red zombie (2, 2), then the red player can place a move on (4, 4), which is a spot adjacent to the red zombie (3, 3). On your move, you can either 1) place a live virus in an empty connected spot, or 2) convert a connected opponent's live virus into zombie. The player who cannot make their required move loses. In this game, players can only see the spots adjacent to their viruses.

Contact: ben.lee@botpot.ai
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Virus War
2 Players
Game Description
Expand virus throughout the board and convert your opponent into zombies. Player who can no longer make a move loses.
Complete Rules
Player 1 controls blue viruses and player 2 controls red viruses. There are 2 types of viruses, alive or zombie, which are denoted as circles and crosses. Each player starts off with one live virus. Opponent's live viruses can be converted into your own zombie virus (e.g. red player can convert a blue live virus into a red zombie virus, and vice versa). To begin the game, the starting player makes one initial move. The players then alternate making three consecutive moves. Players can only make a move on a connected spot directly adjacent (in all 8 directions) to either a live virus of your own color, or to a zombie virus chain that is connected to a live virus of your own color. For example, if a red zombie (3, 3) is surrounded by blue viruses in all adjacent spots except for (4, 4), the red player cannot place a move on (4, 4) because the red zombie is not connected to a live virus. However, if red zombie (3, 3) is connected to red live virus (1, 1) via a red zombie (2, 2), then the red player can place a move on (4, 4), which is a spot adjacent to the red zombie (3, 3). On your move, you can either 1) place a live virus in an empty connected spot, or 2) convert a connected opponent's live virus into zombie. The player who cannot make their required move loses. In this game, players can only see the spots adjacent to their viruses.

Contact: ben.lee@botpot.ai
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